Tuesday, 8 May 2018


Okay, i know this an old gist about a farmer who gun down a huge elephant at Janiyi camp in Ondo State and posed gingerly with the dead animal. Not a nice thing if you ask me!

Although it was gathered that the animal and its group have been causing menace in the community destroying crops but, all the same not a good reason to kill such a magnificent creature, which is a sight to behold.
Thank God some Nigerians reacted bitterly towards this act of brutality, saying it was wrong of the farmer to have killed the elephant.  

To my surprise, I didnt know we'v got elephants here in nigeria, all my thought is, they are brought in from other continent to ours. But to my amazement, we actually have elephants that walk in our forests...like wow!!!

Elephants can be found in Omo forest in Ogun State, Idanre forest, Amdoni island in River State.Aside these forests, there are some National Parks and  Game Reserves which  habitat elephants. The likes of Okomu National park in Edo State, the Cross River National Park in Cross River State and the largest and most important elephant herd remaining in the country is located at Yankari Game Reserve in Bauchi State, where an estimated 100-150 elephant survived.

Well, you many be wondering... so what is the benefit of preserving the wildlife aside being used as meat??? They are tourist attraction which in turn generate income into our economy. 

Here is my take, instead of the farmer killing the elephant, it should have been captured and taken to the government which will in turn take it to any park or game reserve as being done in developed countries.

In addition, elephants are the world largest land mammal and i'm sure we dont want them to go extinct! They are characterized by their dexterous trunk, long curved tusks and mass ears.

Yeah i know  ranging elephants destroy houses and properties in search of food. Inspite of that, people shouldnt  hate elephants.And this is so, because humans are encroaching into their territory. Over there, especially in the Asia part of the world, they worship and adore them.

Attacking elephants kill about five hundred people in a year
If you don't wanna get killed,don't attack an elephant.


  1. At times the farmer might not have the capturing ideas or ways and the best bet for him or them is to kill since it destroyed farm products, and it's a kinda achievement for the farmer too 😂 just my take though. Nice write up and good enlightenment. Bless you dearie.

  2. Thats why I wrote this to create awareness! Thanks for your comment and God bless you too!

  3. Thats why I wrote this to create awareness! Thanks for your comment and God bless you too!
