Wednesday, 30 April 2014


SPERM WHALE: world's largest carnivorous. It eats 1000 pounds of food everyday mostly Squid. It passes out a waste product called "Ambergris,"which something comes out from the Whale's butt-it doesn't smell that bad. Ambergris has a delicate fragrance which Is added to most perfume. So anytime you pick up a perfume, remember this fact!                                                   

SLOTH: this creature is  more famous for its speed than its stench. The sloth is the slowest mammal on the planet and it has some of the world's worst personal hygiene. A sloth pays so little attention to its grooming. Three different species of mites live happily inside a sloth's rectum. This is a dirty beast and it smells....                                                
RING TAILED LEMUR: in the ring tailed lemur society, females rule. On the other hand, the male are the smelliest that they fight rival males using smell as a weapon. The smelly scent glands on their wrist contain a message to rival males. Isn't that funny and weired?           

HYENAS(I am stinky and I know it): Hyenas live as a clan. They rely on smell to find their way, they use smell as a social networking site updating the clan about who is in the hood...interesting! Hyenas kick butt with hyena butter which is produced and stored  in a pouch near their anus.  The disgusting paste stinks like cheap soap, and can still smell for 30 days...Lol....                                   

FULMAR(NERVOUS PUKER): a scavenger that eats everything from dying fish to garbage. Sailors call them "stinkers." Their chicks have develop a disgusting defense mechanism. Fed on rubbish, the chick creates a seriously smelly stomach oil. If the chick thinks it is in danger, it hurls chunks of this oil, an evil smelling vomit.                  

Keep a date to discover which animal tops the table of the smelliest!!!