Friday, 26 September 2014


Probably yes! From the perspective of scientists and Biologists whom have come up with different obtainable facts about what nature is all about.
To them, nature is an all encompassing word when it comes to describing the diversities in both plants and animals.
But to me as a individual, God is nature.The maker of heaven and earth which makes up nature.
When you look around you everyday and you notice you can't capture the sunrise,even if you try. You can't stop the rain, when you feel the caressing of the mist on your skin. You look up and see the greatness of the sky and at the same time you hear the authentic call of nature.
Doesn't all these make you stop and think ? Make you wonder who is responsible for such amazing and fascinating things?
 I tell you, only a superior being can make all these happen.
All we need to do about nature since we can't stop its beauty,its rage,its authenticity,is to embrace it.
The wildlife, is the most beautiful and fascinating aspect of nature. I have come to appreciate and accept that they were created for a reason. They are meant to be free,in the wild where they belong,left untamed nor killed.

Finally, nature is meant to be loved, appreciated, conserved and embraced. Not just because the are beautiful, captivating and fascinating. But because they are Gods creations too.

Wednesday, 24 September 2014


Elephants have keen sense of hearing
Elephants trunks contain an estimated 100,000 muscles and tendons in the trunk. Giving it extreme flexibility and strength.
Elephants are capable of locating water sources up to 19.2km(12miles) away. Very interesting!!!
Can determine the productive status of distant elephants...amazing!!!
Elephant trunks are very powerful capable of uprooting an entire tree and delivering of forceful blow in defence. Nice!
Each molar tooth of an elephant is about the size of a brick and weighs between 1.8 and 2.0kg.
Elephant molar teeth are replaced six times during its life time.
Similar to humans,elephants maybe left or right-handed. Meaning there is preference one tusk over the other. God is great.
They have the largest brain of a land mammal,weighing between 4.5 to 5.5kg.
Have excellent long term memory and are capable of remembering experiences for a long period of time. Research as even shown that elephants are able to recognize other herd members decades after they have last interacted...hmmmmm.
The heart of an elephant comprises about 0.5% of the animal total body weight.
Finally,found in Africa and Asia.